animals that look like donald trump

11 Animals That Are Donald Trump's Look Alikes

List of memes about Donald Trump's imaginary friend Jim.

Have You Met Donald Trump's Imaginary Friend Jim?

Bill Clinton makes a pun joke about Praying Mantis sculpture outside Clinton Foundation and the internet has fun with it

Bill Clinton Cracked a Terrible Dad Joke on Twitter and Nobody Can Handle It

Photoshops of the green screen dress the queen of england once wore

The Queen of England Wore a Bright Green Outfit So, Naturally, the Internet Treated It Like a Green Screen

Photoshop battle of Kim Jung Un untouched photo

The Untouched Picture of Kim Jong-Un Started a Supreme Photoshop Battle

trump tweet and memes about treason

Trump's 'TREASON?' Tweet Is Inspiring Some Pretty Clever Parodies

funny communism memes with lenin stalin and karl marx and many of the common tropes about the ideology which never really took off past the world wars | Man -  CEO asks happened all his means production | Person -  KGBEATLES PAUL MARHEARTNEY JOHN LENIN RINGO STALIN GEORGE HOHHASON

20 Revolutionary Communist Memes That Have No Class

People react to funny cringe picture of Donald Trump with Melania and Ivanka and the Pope on Twitter with hilarious captions.

Internet Had a Dangerous Amount of Fun Trolling Pic of Trump, Melania And Ivanka With The Pope

memes of signs people held against trump at some rallies

The Funniest Protest Signs By People Who Think Trump's Presidency Is a Terrible Mistake

trump memes of photoshopping a large sign board he was holding

The Internet Took the Opportunity to Photoshop Donald Trump With a Blank Sign and Ran With It

Photoshops of Donald Trump into famous movie frames

This Bizarre Instagram Account Inserts Donald Trump Into Your Favorite Movies

cats that look like Donald Trump, especially the hair

Donald Trump Cats Aren't Nearly as Scary as the Man Himself

photoshop battle of trump signing something

This Photoshop Battle of Trump Trying to Close a Pen Is A Christmas Gift 332 Days Early

photoshop battle of Trump after signing inaugural photo

Trump Posts a Photo of Himself Working on His Inaugural Address and it Gives Spark to a New Meme

college admission scandal on some facebook ladies page

Woman's Insightful Facebook Post On The College Admission's Scandal Goes Viral

gender discrimination comics for the social justice trolls

12 Comics That Put Gender Discrimination Into Perspective