
She waited a quarter century for this moment

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8819308544
Via Imgur

Bernie Isn't Over

Via www.reddit.com

Gotta give Hillary credit for this one.

donald trump Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8819289344
Via Imgur

The dissonance

bernie sanders Democrat - 8819222272
Via Imgur

Hypocrite Politicians

Via www.gifmeabreak.com

The President we need, not the President we deserve

potus - 8819011584
Via Imgur


Via Giphy

Roll out the TPP

Democrat republican - 8818720000
Created by rcharbon

Good News!

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8818703104
Via Imgur

I just tried to access the Chilcot report on Iraq...

iraq - 8818341888
Via Imgur

when the nsa is watching you

Democrat barack obama potus - 8818312704
Via Imgur

Let's drop her charges

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8818082560
Via Imgur

Hillary Trump?

donald trump Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8817998848
Via Imgur

I call this one "Extreme Carelessness"

FBI Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8817918720
Via Imgur

She did not have...

FBI Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8817918464
Via Imgur

Big Brother

Cheezburger Image 8815913472
Via Imgur