
Breaking News

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8812463360
Via Imgur

Just Duckie

guns - 8812438272
Via Imgur

I think it's not a coincidence.

brexit donald trump - 8812437760
Via Imgur

When someone talks about sports at all

vote Democrat republican - 8812376832
Via Imgur

Sheep Dogging

Jill Stein bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8812322560
Via Imgur

A very authentic Viet restaurant in D.C.

donald trump republican - 8812319488
Via Imgur

No thanks

donald trump bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat republican - 8801727232
Via Imgur

Blues Sisters

Via abcnews.go.com

Trump on Brexit

brexit donald trump republican - 8812244480
Via Imgur

Clinton STILL waiting for that damned endorsement from Bernie!

bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8812183552
Via Imgur

A minutes silence please for the death of irony who sadly passed away this morning after a long drawn out case of Brexititus

brexit - 8812131840
Via Imgur

John Oliver of Farage

brexit john oliver - 8812119808
Via Imgur

How I feel right now being a Bernie supporter

bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Democrat got - 8812094208
Via Imgur

Hillary's Greatest Accomplishment

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8812045568
Via Imgur

Ruth Davidson Logic (UK Politician)

brexit - 8812024320
Via Imgur

British are coming!!!

brexit - 8812001280
Via Imgur