

Hairy Situation

Via imgur.com

I made some campaign buttons.

Democrat politics republican - 8813386240
Via Imgur


Via imgur.com

She's Got Cooties

Democrat Hillary Clinton - 8813243904
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Tell me lies, tell me sweet, little lies

barack obama Democrat Hillary Clinton potus - 8813243392
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Comedy Is Not Pretty

Democrat bill clinton - 8813242880
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Connect The Dots

Democrat Hillary Clinton - 8813241344
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Bill Knows Something That Many Others Don't

Democrat bill clinton Hillary Clinton joe biden - 8813240320
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Scissor me Hillary

Hillary Clinton elizabeth warren Democrat - 8812732928
Via Imgur

Yes please

bernie sanders Democrat - 8812667392
Via Imgur

"They found nothing, nothing," Clinton said.

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8812630272
See all captions Created by icguy34

The Benghazi report is definitive. Hillary Clinton poisoned King Joffrey.

Hillary Clinton Democrat got - 8812536064
Via Imgur

Found this at my local diner parking lot

Democrat barack obama potus - 8812481280
Via Imgur

In the Game of Votes...

Hillary Clinton Democrat got - 8812481024
Via Imgur

Clinton's Pant Suit Rainbow

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8812463616
Via Imgur

Breaking News

Hillary Clinton Democrat - 8812463360
Via Imgur