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John Oliver Is Here to Confess and Admit That Yes, He Is the One Responsible for Donald Trump

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Conspiracy Theorist of the Day: Stephen Colbert Puts on the Tin Foil Hat and Heads into the Bunker

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Will This Political Rap Battle Help Ken Bone Stop Being Undecided?

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Let John Oliver Show You How Donald Trump Blew it at a Charity Roast

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When You Realize the People Around You Are Trump Supporters

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Everyone Seems to Have Their Own Take on Melania Trump's Interview With Anderson Cooper

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Keegan-Michael Key Forecasts an Apocalypse If Trump Becomes President

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Here's One Diagram That Explains Every Conspiracy Against Donald Trump

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SNL Didn't Have to Change Much to Parody the Most Recent Presidential Debate

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If You're Thinking About This Election's Third Parties Options, John Oliver Breaks Them Down For You

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This Adorable Song About Making America Great Again Gets Really Depressing, Really Fast

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Danny Elfman Composed a Special Soundtrack Just for Donald Trump

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Donald Trump's Love of His Debate Chair Was Made Into an Adorable Indie Band Song

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt Helps Moderate a Songified Version of the Second Presidential Debate

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Ken Bone Goes on Jimmy Kimmel and Yes, He KNOWS That He's Adorable

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Blaming Hillary Clinton For Liking Beyoncé is One of the Silliest Arguments A Trump Supporter Has Ever Made For His Lewd Comments About Women