
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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The Donald's Glory Days Were Certainly in the 80's (Mullet, Dad Jeans, and Playing Beach Volleyball Included)

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Stephen Colbert Gives a Glimpse of What the Women of 1776 Would Think of Hillary Clinton's Nomination

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The Simpsons Ruthlessly Mocks Donald Trump in Latest Election-Themed Clip

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Joe Biden Needs to See Video of These Women with Shotguns!

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This Is Why They Didn't Invite Stephen Colbert to Sing That Acapella "Fight Song" for Hillary Clinton

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The Theme Song That Should Have Accompanied Hillary's Glass Breaking Speech Entrance

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Ted Cruz's RNC Speech is Much Better as a Bad Lip Reading

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The Overwhelming Booing at the 2016 Democratic National Convention Has Kicked Off the Party in Philidephia

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John Oliver Got Famous Singers Together to Sing Against Politicians Stealing Music For Campaigns

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Trumpémon Go! is All About Catching the Minorities at the RNC

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Samantha Bee Compares Trump's Campaign to the Brexit Vote in the UK, and It Doesn't Look Good

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Molten Aluminum vs Donald Trump

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Watch This Middle-Schooler Give His Graduation Speech in Impressions of the 2016 Presidential Candidates

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Watch Mitt Romney Fight Two Luchadores While Dressed as Nacho Libre


No Need to Be So Harsh About It

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Making Donald Trump Rap Mac Miller's "Donald Trump" Might Have Been Too Easy to Do With All of His Campaign Sound Bites