
bill clinton

Been Hanging Out With Bill, I See

barack obama bill clinton censorship grope Hillary Clinton story wrong - 6631500800
Via People Places Phood

Who Built the Debt?

barack obama bill clinton debt george-hw-bush george w bush graph infographic Ronald Reagan - 6616764160
Via Ed Wisdom


bill clinton Hillary Clinton photoshopped - 6614029568

Oh You!

bill clinton dnc economy - 6579173376
See all captions Created by PrincessWordplay

Cue Rimshot, Laugh Track

barack obama bill clinton dnc Pirate - 6598153472
See all captions Created by PrincessWordplay

I Don't Understand. Why Aren't They Rushing to Line Up?

bill clinton ladies line - 6570002176
See all captions Created by DJAussie

This Guy Knows How To Make a Sales Pitch

bill clinton dnc - 6577163520
See all captions Created by wittypirate

You Should Have Seen This Coming

affair barack obama bill clinton Michelle Obama touching - 6594670080
Via TnB/Codak

Bit Too Clean, Though

bill clinton blue dnc Nancy Pelosi - 6567191808
See all captions Created by todAnthony

One Promise We Know He'll Keep

bill clinton grope hope poster wink - 6576775424
Via I'm a Businesman

Hey, Clinton!

bill clinton the simpsons - 6570002688

And Remember, the '90s Were Great

bill clinton dnc - 6568197376
Via I Heart Chaos

From Here to Eternity

barack obama bill clinton hugging love - 6568086016

Both the Most Memorable Speeches from Their Conventions

Awkward bill clinton Clint Eastwood dnc empty chair pun rnc - 6566729472
Created by 14limes

It's Tricky, Tricky, Tricky

barack obama bill clinton dnc joe biden - 6567556608

Length of Bill Clinton's Speeches

2012 bill clinton dnc infographic speeches - 6567530496

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