election 2016

an onion gets more followers than donald trump

These People Are Determined to Get Half An Onion More Followers on Twitter Than The Real Donald Trump

trump inauguration riots

Feast Your Weary Eyes on All the Fights, Chaotic Rioting, Property Damage, and Flash Bangs from Trump's Inauguration

FAIL donald trump george w bush president election 2016 funny politics - 1404421

Inauguration Day Effortlessly Eclipsed By the Sheer Brilliance of George W. Bush Battling a Poncho

drinking donald trump election 2016 election politics - 1396229

People Inspired and Devastated Alike, Hatch Up Donald Trump-Inspired Inauguration Day Drinking Games

twitter FAIL donald trump election 2016 election funny politics - 1386501

Donald Trump Accidentally Tweets at the Wrong Ivanka Trump, Ends Up Inviting Hilarious String of Responses From Her and Band of Twitter Trolls

FAIL donald trump election 2016 angry clothing politics - 1383685

Spencer Gift's Ignites Blind Rage from Tons of People for Selling Product That Many Consider Uuugely Inappropriate

Donald Trump jimmy kimmel live

'Jimmy Kimmel Live' Writer Has Made It Her Life's Purpose to Stalk and Troll Donald Trump's Tweets

news FAIL donald trump election 2016 funny politics - 1361669

"Fake News" Is 2017's New Favorite Excuse After Donald Trump's Aggressive Press Conference Moment

seth meyers election 2016 comedy - 84521985

Look Back of Day: Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look at 2016

election 2016 - 8991040768

This is almost as good as "Not usually a sign guy, but geez"

election 2016 - 8990532352

i think it’s quite clear what google thinks of the election results

election 2016 - 8990182656

Planet of the Deplorables

election 2016 - 8989780480

The Internet Wins again

twitter FAIL donald trump barrack obama election 2016 reactions politics - 1132037

People Are Getting Hilariously Creative with Their Tweets after Obama and Trump Sat Down With Each Other

twitter barrack obama president election 2016 reactions British UK funny politics - 1128453

British People Are Pleading for Obama to Move to the UK to Become the Prime Minister

twitter donald trump Hillary Clinton election 2016 reactions captain america celeb election politics - 1124101

Celebrities React to Last Night's Election Results on Twitter

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