
Michelle Obama

Big Daddy Silvio!

FLOTUS Democrat barack obama potus Michelle Obama - 8301413120
See all captions Created by Spinit

Just Sayin

Democrat barack obama Michelle Obama - 8472353024
See all captions Created by RedRobin

No Need to Make a Scene

excited baby please Michelle Obama - 6819265024

Careful, Barack

jealous flirting barack obama angry Michelle Obama - 6815979520

But That Dress Is

date ice cream barack obama Michelle Obama dress joke - 6772743168
See all captions Created by TheMemeingOfLife

Anyone Got a Toothbrush?

barack obama Michelle Obama - 6721019904
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What Happens on Election Night

dancing election night Jill Biden barack obama Michelle Obama joe biden - 6746534912
Via Reddit

Durex Ad from China

commercial Ad innuendo China Michelle Obama condoms - 6746344704
Via Beijing Cream

Watch the Master

marijuana barack obama Michelle Obama weed - 6727090944
Via Weed Pr0n Daily

She's Looking at Me

barack obama Michelle Obama love debate - 6702733568
Via Gifwich

The Return of Creepy Josh Romney

Michelle Obama barack obama Mitt Romney Josh Romney gifs creepy Staring debate - 6699442688
Via Gawker

Wife's Hair Swap

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If You Thought This One Went Bad...

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I Don't Like You Using That Meme Site, Barack

barack obama dismissive First Lady First World Problems Michelle Obama redditors-wife - 6576453632
See all captions Created by Epochphale

You Should Have Seen This Coming

affair barack obama bill clinton Michelle Obama touching - 6594670080
Via TnB/Codak

Hard Times

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