

Funny dank memes featuring Bernie Sanders asking for financial support | the mandalorian meme with baby yoda: have something want Financial Support. bernie sanders as a scientist and periodic table elements spelling out "financial support": ahh yes Fluorine lodine Nitrogen Carbon Iodine Aluminium Sulfur Uranium Phosphorus Polonium Radi Tiran

Bernie Still Needs Your Financial Support In These Fresh Dank Memes

These memes don't seem to be backing down!
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Gotta Make That Money Back Somehow

rage Republicans campaign angry GOP delicious money - 6761078784
gay marriage money comedian sketch - 43648769

Jon Lajoie Comes Out Against Gay Marriage

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Mitt Romney hip hop rap money animation Video - 43538945

Mitt Romney's New Hit Single, Where You Hide Your Money

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Job Creators

Mitt Romney money Image - 6620228352
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Power Has Its Price

money barack obama president sorry Image - 6630640128
See all captions Created by JOE-STYLE

Fun With the Huffington Post's Headline

barack obama Image Mitt Romney money voting-page - 6636620288
Via All a Bit Fuzzy

How to Make Money on Wall Street

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Top Presidential Money Donors

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Via Forbes

I'd Listen to His Album

Image Mitt Romney money - 6537458176

You See, I Got Mine

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See all captions Created by Greybeard55

Come, Smithers!

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Created by Steampunkette ( Via Mad Magazine )

Keeping the Internet Honest

election 2012 Image kids Mitt Romney money photoshop political pictures Reddit Republicans - 5800816640
Via Reddit

Who Made What in 2010

barack obama charts graphs Image Mitt Romney money newt gingrich political pictures taxes - 5739007744


crime honesty Image money political pictures seattle voting-page - 5500020736
Via King 5 News

Vandals Cashing In

george washington Image money Occupy Wall Street political pictures - 5323425536
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