

Funny shitposts entitled, "Are you far-left or far-right?" | EVERYONE BE LIKE ARE FAR RIGHT OR FAR LEFT BITCH IM FARTING made with mematic Minion dabbing | OrlandoNuggs Bitches be asking are far right or far left. bitch l'm far happiness DE GAT LAC IVES MATTER JONE

'Far-Left Or Far-Right' Memes Poke Fun At Both Sides Of The Political Spectrum

Definitely one of the dumbest memes we've seen in a while
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Funny dank memes depicting Nancy Pelosi ripping up a piece of paper | nancy pelosi during trump's state of the union speech reading a piece of paper then ripping it in half. Numerous scientific studies have shown no link vaccines and autism Anti-Vax Moms Anti-Vax Moms @whitepeoplehumor can't complain about being lonely valentines day if don't even try speak people around

'Nancy Pelosi Ripping Paper' Proves The Political Memes Aren't Going Anywhere

This meme has been everywhere lately!
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Funny dank memes featuring Bernie Sanders asking for financial support | the mandalorian meme with baby yoda: have something want Financial Support. bernie sanders as a scientist and periodic table elements spelling out "financial support": ahh yes Fluorine lodine Nitrogen Carbon Iodine Aluminium Sulfur Uranium Phosphorus Polonium Radi Tiran

Bernie Still Needs Your Financial Support In These Fresh Dank Memes

These memes don't seem to be backing down!
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