
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

list donald trump halloween - 1024773

The Favorite Jack-O-Lantern Theme This Year Is, of Course, the Trumpkin

twitter list debate election politics - 1012741

The Second Debate's Biggest Winner Was Kenneth Bone

Songs twitter list debate election - 1013253

These Tweets Just Prove That a Sing-Off Presidential Debate Would Be a Hell of a Lot More Entertaining

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A California Congresswoman Ended Her Argument With an Attempt at "The Dab" That Will Make You Cringe

twitter list superheroes batman election superman politics - 1002757

Batman May Be the Hero The 2016 Election Needs

Miss Piggy Universe trump tweet

Trump Late-Night Tweeted About 'Miss Piggy Universe' and is Getting Ripped to Shreds For it

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The Next Huuuge Trend in UK's Pubs is Pissing All Over American Politics (One Candidate in Particular)

donald trump twitter fail

Donald Trump Jr. Used a Skittles Metaphor for Refugees and It's Got Twitter Groaning More Than An Actual Cavity

911 twitter list donald trump politics - 940549

After Claiming He Would Have Stopped 9/11 Attacks, Twitter Had a Field Day Speculating What Else Trump *Would* Have Prevented on #ThingsTrumpWouldHaveStopped

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Patton Oswalt's Questioning of the Ridiculous #TrumpCantSwim Ended When Pharma Bro Jumped in to Poorly Troll Oswalt and Got His Ass Handed To Him

millennials donald trump

Donald Trump's Children Posted a Headshot Ad Targetd to Millennials But The Only Thing People Saw Was How Creepy They Looked

donald trump immigration reactions list mexico hats twitter - 924421

Apparently Trump's Immigration Policy and "Make America Great Again" Had a Baby, it's This "Make Mexico Great Again Also" Hat

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Billy West Recorded Some Choice Donald Trump Tweets in the Voice of Zapp Brannigan

presidential nominee tim kaine

Twitter Thinks Vice President Nominee, Tim Kaine, Might Be Everyone's Adorkable Dad

twitter list race White house - 875013

Bill O'Reilly Put a Target On His Back After He Said Some Ridiculous White House ‘Historical Facts’ and The Internet Didn't Miss With Their Reposnse

twitter list bernie sanders meme crying politics - 873477

Crying Bernie Supporters at the DNC Didn't Escape the Night Without the Internet Noticing