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Confused Reporter Interviewing Trump Is Inspiring Some Top-Tier Memeage

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Woman's Insightful Facebook Post On The College Admission's Scandal Goes Viral

People on Twitter freak out at Donald Trump after he tweets out about the wrong mass shooting.

Donald Trump Tweets About Wrong Mass Shooting, Gets Demolished By Twitter

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Site Specifically Tailored for Single Trump Supporters Wants to Make Dating Great Again

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"Fake News" Is 2017's New Favorite Excuse After Donald Trump's Aggressive Press Conference Moment

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Watch Stephen Colbert Take a Moment to Congratulate Russia on Winning the Cold War

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Trump Debuts His New Hat, and People Are Divided over Whether It's Great or Terrible

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Kong: Skull Island Director Live-Tweets Ridiculous Confrontation With Alt-Right Plane Seatmate

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Some Brave Soul at Google Renamed Trump Tower, 'Dump Tower' on Google Maps

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Twitter and Donald Trump React in an Explosion of Joy and Horror After 'Hamilton' Cast Targets Speech at Mike Pence

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Operation #TrumpCup Has Taken Starbucks By Storm, and Twitter is Here to Fuel the Fire

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The Best and the Worst of Last Night's First 2016 Presidential Debate

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End Your Week With a Slow Jam From Jimmy Fallon and President Obama on His Legacy and the 2016 Election

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Does That Sound Really Good to Anyone Else?

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I'll Give You One for a Price

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Damn It, Florida!

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