
The president. The head honcho, the big boss. The man in the high castle. Wherever or whoever it is, the president of anything is a striking figure. So lets joke a bit about them and bring them back down to Earth.

Funny memes that mock Joe Biden's presidential campaign called '"I'm on Team Joe" | ON TEAM JOE GOT HAIRY LEGS kids used rub my leg BIDEN PRESIDENT Text JOE 30330 Create own at Biden L Data Rates Hay ApTet HELP forInfo. Teat STOP opt eut No purchase necessary

Joe Biden Gets Trolled With His Cringey 'I'm On Team Joe' Campaign

Memes that roast the democratic presidential debates in Nevada last night | greta thunberg watching donald trump from behind: KLOBUCHAR FORGETTING MEXICAN PRESIDENT ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR'S NAME VANESSA HUAC TELEMUNDO | mike bloomberg: finally get hang out with popular kids but all they do is make fun Sad potato noises

Roundup Of Democratic Debate Memes That Roast Last Night's Total Freak Show

Funny dank memes about Michael Bloomberg's presidential campaign | 10 second tv or radio ad: exists Mike Bloomberg: mike BLOOMBERG 2020 's Free Real Estate. DNC have freed us Trump! Mike Bloomberg Oh wouldn't say freed more like under new management. megamind movie

Michael Bloomberg Memes That Roast The Cringey Billionaire

Twitter, memes, president Donald Trump photograph face spray fake tan orange circle unblended bronzer makeup | Can somebody get President United States beauty blender half peeled orange

Trump Gets Roasted And Meme'd For His Orange Tan Line

Funny memes about Joe Biden

Fourteen Joe Biden Memes For The Political Satirists

memes of signs people held against trump at some rallies

The Funniest Protest Signs By People Who Think Trump's Presidency Is a Terrible Mistake

tweets by a cartoon version of Donald Trump

Cartoon Donald Trump Live-Tweets Obama's Farewell Speech and It's Even More Ridiculous Than We Could've Hoped For

unpresidential tweets from president Trump

16 Times Donald Trump's Twitter Game Was Crazily Unpresidented

Twitter reactions to donald trump stable genius tweet.

The Internet Is Running Wild With President Trump's 'Stable Genius' Tweet

FAIL donald trump george w bush president election 2016 funny politics - 1404421

Inauguration Day Effortlessly Eclipsed By the Sheer Brilliance of George W. Bush Battling a Poncho

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British People Are Pleading for Obama to Move to the UK to Become the Prime Minister

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The White House Will Be Going Through Some Changes and This Photoshop Battle Shows Many Possible Outcomes

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Interview of the Day: Samantha Bee has a Spooky Halloween Talk with the President

presidential debate donald trump Hillary Clinton president politics - 83193345

Bad Lip Reading Just Took a Shot at the Presidential Debate, and Roasted Both the Candidates

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Finally Obama Gets Some Unnecessary Presidential Censorship For Us to Enjoy

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This Is What It Would Be Like If Your Facebook Friends Were President

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