
Twitter fight breaks out between Danny Zuker and Donald Trump

Donald Trump Gets Utterly Destroyed on Twitter

People on Twitter react to Eric Trump tweeting out defending President Trump's racism.

Eric Trump Gets Obliterated By Twitter After Defending President Trump's Racism

List of funny Donald Trump koi memes.

Trump Dumps Fish Food In Koi Pond, Becomes An Instant Meme

Donald Trump misspells 'counsel' and proceeds to get trolled by Merriam-Webster on Twitter.

Merriam-Webster Desperately Wants Trump to Understand How to Spell 'Counsel'

ivanka trump's husband jared kushner building a glass dildo building

People Are Roasting the Life Out of Ivanka's In-Laws For Building Skyscraper That Looks Like Giant Glass Dildo

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People Are Ripping Donald Trump a New One After He Threatened 'Failing Career' Snoop Dogg With 'Jail Time'

twitter trolling win politics - 1465349

Regular Scottish Lad Steve Bannon's Twitter Is Blowing up for the Best Kind of Wrong Reasons, and He's Trolling It Off His Back Like a Champ

twitter insult ted cruz politics - 1428997

Ted Cruz Nonchalantly Lays Waste to Deadspin on Twitter

an onion gets more followers than donald trump

These People Are Determined to Get Half An Onion More Followers on Twitter Than The Real Donald Trump

facts you've never heard before

Alternative Facts: Facts Like You've Never Known Them Before

twitter FAIL donald trump election 2016 election funny politics - 1386501

Donald Trump Accidentally Tweets at the Wrong Ivanka Trump, Ends Up Inviting Hilarious String of Responses From Her and Band of Twitter Trolls

twitter donald trump - 197894

Mark Hamill is Back at it With Another Perfectly Deranged Reading of Trump's Tweets

Donald Trump jimmy kimmel live

'Jimmy Kimmel Live' Writer Has Made It Her Life's Purpose to Stalk and Troll Donald Trump's Tweets


A Man Got His Family Kicked off a Plane by Yelling at Ivanka Trump While His Husband Live Tweeted It All, What a Time to Be Alive

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White House Staff Played Ridiculous Holiday Prank on President Obama and Twitter Made the Most out of It

twitter FAIL donald trump kanye west reactions politics - 1248517

Donald Trump Met up with Kanye West Today at Trump Tower, and the Reactions on Twitter Alone Made Our Day