
twitter list superheroes batman election superman politics - 1002757

Batman May Be the Hero The 2016 Election Needs

funny fail tweet Twitter recommends Rosie ODonnell follow Donald Trump

This 'Who to Follow' Recommendation is a Huuuuge Mistake

Miss Piggy Universe trump tweet

Trump Late-Night Tweeted About 'Miss Piggy Universe' and is Getting Ripped to Shreds For it

Dalai Lama twitter donald trump interview Video win politics - 82682881

Listen to the Dalai Lama Give His Take on Donald Trump, ISIS, Twitter and Take a Selfie

donald trump twitter fail

Donald Trump Jr. Used a Skittles Metaphor for Refugees and It's Got Twitter Groaning More Than An Actual Cavity

911 twitter list donald trump politics - 940549

After Claiming He Would Have Stopped 9/11 Attacks, Twitter Had a Field Day Speculating What Else Trump *Would* Have Prevented on #ThingsTrumpWouldHaveStopped

political social media Hillary Clinton opens up to Humans of New York on her personality perseption

Hillary Clinton Opens Up to Humans of NY About Where Her 'Cold and Calculated' Perceptions Stem From

millennials donald trump

Donald Trump's Children Posted a Headshot Ad Targetd to Millennials But The Only Thing People Saw Was How Creepy They Looked

donald trump immigration reactions list mexico hats twitter - 924421

Apparently Trump's Immigration Policy and "Make America Great Again" Had a Baby, it's This "Make Mexico Great Again Also" Hat

twitter Hillary Clinton - 8967066880

Leave the Crabs Out of This

presidential nominee tim kaine

Twitter Thinks Vice President Nominee, Tim Kaine, Might Be Everyone's Adorkable Dad

twitter list race White house - 875013

Bill O'Reilly Put a Target On His Back After He Said Some Ridiculous White House ‘Historical Facts’ and The Internet Didn't Miss With Their Reposnse

twitter list bernie sanders meme crying politics - 873477

Crying Bernie Supporters at the DNC Didn't Escape the Night Without the Internet Noticing

democrats twitter list bernie sanders Hillary Clinton Video politics - 873221

The Overwhelming Booing at the 2016 Democratic National Convention Has Kicked Off the Party in Philidephia

mike pence spooky chili's pic

Is This Image of Mike Pence and Family 2 Spoopy For the Internet?

Republicans twitter list donald trump mike pence politics - 866309

The Shitshow that is The Republican National Convention Has Started and Here's the Best (So Far)