
funny memes, middle class, suburbs, twitter memes, 2020 memes, satire | Randall Otis @RandallOtisTV Podcasters are on cusp transforming into fascist nation country on brink civil war know civil war get hungry why Blue Apron | Man hate this time change @middleclassfancy Haha know gets dark too early Yeah

30 Middle Class Memes For Lighthearted Suburbanites

Funny random memes, dank memes, stupid memes, relatable memes, history memes, funny tweets | My elder brother who does gymnastics professionally My younger brother who can hold plank an hour who Garries weight my failure | nickjonestattooist "No tattoos thanks, my body is temple" Temples:

36 Memes That Double As Boredom Antidote

Funny dank memes about history, historical memes, internet memes, educational memes, european history, world history, wwii, world war 2 | Uranium Plutonium exist* Manhattan Project: This is some serious gourmet shit. Gasstronomy. Pulp Fiction | Roman guards watching an elephant come down Alps 's first.

Fresh History Memes Sprinkled With Educational Spice

Trump memes that are hugely amazing, truly tremendous. Memes like this about a president, or about Donald Trump, are unprecedented.

15 Of The Most Tremendous Donald Trump Memes

People react to funny cringe picture of Donald Trump with Melania and Ivanka and the Pope on Twitter with hilarious captions.

Internet Had a Dangerous Amount of Fun Trolling Pic of Trump, Melania And Ivanka With The Pope

dudes roast each other in a non politically correct way

Friends Have Good-Humored Racist Joke War on Twitter

Funniest conspiracy theories on Donald Trump's obsession with sharks.

The Funniest Theories About Donald Trump's Obsession With Sharks

trump tweets for St Patrick's day and fails with mispellings and mistakes

People Are Trolling the Shit Out of Donald Trump After His St. Patrick's Day Tweet

Tweets and memes about the scotch tape on trump's red ite

Awkward Picture Shows Donald Trump's Tie Is Held Together by Scotch Tape

Donald Trump misspells tweet about news coverage and confuses the entire nation.

Donald Trump Confuses Entire Nation With One Fat FAIL of a Tweet

Cats that look like donald trump because of the hair. It is the hair, isn't it?

Cat Fashion Trend: The Donald Trump

Ken M comments that a new planet found is probably only small because it's really far away

The Best Moments From the Greatest Troll in the History of the Internet: Ken M

Donald Trump misspells 'counsel' and proceeds to get trolled by Merriam-Webster on Twitter.

Merriam-Webster Desperately Wants Trump to Understand How to Spell 'Counsel'

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Trump Calls Up His Buddy Obama for Valentine's Day Advice

FAIL donald trump george w bush president election 2016 funny politics - 1404421

Inauguration Day Effortlessly Eclipsed By the Sheer Brilliance of George W. Bush Battling a Poncho

twitter FAIL donald trump election 2016 election funny politics - 1386501

Donald Trump Accidentally Tweets at the Wrong Ivanka Trump, Ends Up Inviting Hilarious String of Responses From Her and Band of Twitter Trolls

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